Climate & sustainability strategy

Climate & sustainability strategy

Project based
Short description

Climate & sustainability strategy built for and around your business, to assure you’re standing out in the green era.

StrategyNet ZeroDecarbonizationUN SDG


Climate & sustainability strategy built for and around your business, to assure you’re standing out in the green era.

With a clear strategy, you can stop reacting and start initiating. It is a useful asset to align decision making with values, provide clarity to employees and stakeholders, and - most importantly - benefit from the financial and competitive advantages of being a green business. My approach to strategy building is to keep it focused, realistic, and simple to use, and avoid spreading all over the place - so you can make constant progress towards your goals.

Detailed features & content

  • Intake
    • Mapping the characteristics of your business against the pillars of sustainability
    • Defining value-driven goals and revenue-guided goals
  • Process
    • Analysis of threats and opportunities
    • Identifying sustainability focal points that offer a competitive advantage for your business
    • On a case-by-case basis, interviews and surveys with stakeholders
  • Deliverables
    • Strategy document & presentation
    • Sustainability KPIs
    • Suggestion of sustainability pathways
    • Public-facing communications

Complementary services

Climate & sustainability reportingFractional CSORegulatory research

Engagement process

  • I recommend binding the strategic process to a significant milestone of the organization such as launching a new solution, expansion to new markets, M&As, fundraising, IPO.
  • To deliver the best results and build a sustainability capacity in the organization, it is important to conduct a proper kick-off session with the relevant employees and stakeholders.
  • During the analysis I will try to reduce the disturbance of your team to the minimal extent. I might ask for data or interim inputs.
  • A 30”-60” mid-term check-up point to make sure we’re still seeing the process in the same way, and share some preliminary insights and thoughts.
  • To conclude the process, I will communicate the findings and recommendations through a report, presentation and/or workshop.