Carbon insetting development

Carbon insetting development

Business development
Project based
Short description

Reduce, remove and avoid emissions within your value chain

Carbon insettingScope 3Carbon reductionsCarbon credits


Carbon insetting is a rising concept where companies perform carbon reductions within their value chain. Unlike offsetting credits, which can be sourced from any eligible project, insetting takes place along the numerous tiers of the value chain of a product or service, creating an opportunity for companies to use their existing procurement and supply chain infrastructure for sustainable purpose, enhance the resilience of their suppliers and achieve progress in various SDGs like biodiversity, waste and water treatment, fair employment and more.

Carbon insetting project development covers the entire process, from identifying target areas in the value chain, matching physical solutions and technologies, certifying the contribution and guaranteeing its outcomes.

Detailed features & content

  • Analysis of carbon insetting pathways for your business, based on the specific characteristics of your value chain.
  • End-to-end carbon project development
  • [optional] Identifying and matching financing for your value chain members to develop the projects

Complementary services

The best way to identify opportunities for carbon insetting is by assessing your Scope 3 emissions in a complete carbon accounting process
Carbon accountingClimate & sustainability strategy

Engagement process

  • Intake
    • Survey of your decarbonization objectives and the nature of your value chain (e.g., many suppliers vs. few, geographically distributed suppliers vs. centralized, the materiality of each type of value chain member, climate risks, etc.)
    • Setting decarbonization objectives and carbon insetting quota (tons of CO2e we want to reduce, remove or avoid every year, and the price we’re willing to pay for it)
  • Deliverables
    • Phase I: carbon insetting scenarios
    • Phase II: full project development for the chosen carbon insetting project(s)

External resources